Warm Up
3 Rounds
20 Seconds (running clock) for each movement:
-Jumping Jacks
–Spider Man Lunge Stretch
-Push Ups
–Arm Haulers
-Flutter Kicks
-Air Squats
–Up Downs
*No rest between movements. Perform this list of movements for 3 rounds continually. 1 Round is one time through the list.
You should have broken a sweat by the end. This will be our standard warm up for awhile. If you feel you need to do more, then do more.
WOD: For Time
Part 1:
-5 Kipping Pull Up
-5 Dumbbell Thruster
-10 Kipping Pull Up
-10 Dumbbell Thruster
-15 Kipping Pull Up
-15 Dumbbell Thruster
-10 Kipping Pull Up
-10 Dumbbell Thruster
-5 Kipping Pull Up
-5 Dumbbell Thruster
Rest 3 Minutes Before Part 2
Part 2:
-20 Kipping Pull Up
-20 Dumbbell Thruster
*Strict Pull Up Option
(Part 1): 3-6-9-6-3
(Part 2): 12 Strict Pull Ups
Men: 40# DBs Women: 25# DBs
Goal: Part 1: 3-8 Minutes Part 2: 2-6 Minutes
Coaches Notes
Push the intensity in both parts of this workout. Don’t try to coast in the first part just to save yourself for part 2. You get a nice 3 minute rest in between but expect to be feeling the effects of part 1 about 7 reps into part 2. Hold on and push yourself!
Choose a pull up variation that you can do at least 5 reps at a time in the first part. For part 2, you might try some bigger sets but don’t go so big that you end up having to go to singles by the end.
Focus on using your hips in the thrusters. As you stand up out of the squat, imagine you are standing with enough force to jump off the ground. Don’t actually jump! Allow that additional force to transfer to the weight and send it up off the shoulders to reduce the amount of pressing required. Go with a weight that you could do 15 unbroken thrusters when fresh. Totally fine to break up the set of 15 in part 1, but try to only break once. For part 2, hold on and try to get some bigger sets.