Warm Up
5 Minutes of Rowing OR Bike
3 Rounds: (with empty barbell)
-5 Back Squats
-5 Push Jerks
-5 Hang Cleans
-5 Strict Press
7 Rounds
Each Round is on a 2-Min Clock
-200m Run
-Max Bear Complex Reps
Rest 1 minute between Rounds
So – 2 Min ON – 1 Min OFF – 7 times *Can also use sandbag for this version!!!
Suggested Weight Men: 75-95# Women: 55-65#
Goal: 45-65 Reps
So you’ll set a running clock and from 0:00-2:00, you’ll run 200 meters then with any time remaining in the two minutes, you’ll do as many bear complex reps as you can. When 2:00 hits, you’ll rest until 3:00 then you’ll repeat that until you’ve done 7 rounds (you are done at 20:00)!
Choose a weight on the bear complex that allows you to get 6-10 reps every round. Make sure you’re giving yourself at least 45 seconds or more to chip away at those reps – that means that run shouldn’t take more than 1:10. If it is, shorten the distance! Work till the very last second knowing you’ll get a full minute to rest before the next round.
200M RUN
You’re working with a minute or less. Shorten the distance as needed to fit the time window. If unable to run due to space or weather purposes – 1 min double/single unders, low step ups, Mtn Climbers or toe taps to a low target.
1 minute of:
-Double/Single Unders
-Low Step Ups
-Mountain Climbers
-Toe Taps to a Low Target
For this complex, you have a few options:
– Squat Clean Thruster
– Back Rack Thruster
You can do:
– Power Clean
– Front Squat
– Push Press or Jerk – Back Squat
– Push Press or Jerk
OR some combination of the two.
Do not RUSH through these reps. Get set up well for the clean. Keep the back flat and focus on a great clean (either version).
If you are doing a thruster, make sure the barbell is on the shoulders, heels are down, knees are out. Feed the press with the drive from the legs.
When lowering onto the back – BE CAREFUL and absorb the catch with the knees! Then make sure you are reset before squatting.
Reach the butt back and down, keep the heels down and chest up. Feed the press with the leg drive for this thruster or push press/jerk too!
Lighter weight