Warm Up
5 Minute Row/Bike
2 Rounds:
-10 Strict Shoulder Press
-10 Scap Pull Ups
-5 Strict Pull Ups
-10 Light DB Power Snatch (5 per arm)
5 Rounds
-Run/ OR Row 200 Meters
-12 Double Dumbbell Snatch
-15 Pull Ups
-Run/ OR Row 200 Meters
Rest 1 Min Between Rounds
Strict Pull Up Option: 8-10 Reps Per Round
**Could also do this version with a sandbag!
Suggested Weight Men: 35-40# DBs Suggested Weight Women: 20-25# DBs
Score: Slowest Round ONLY
Goal: 3:00-4:30
Because your score is your slowest round, don’t go unbroken unless you think you can do it in all 5 rounds. The pull ups will be extra challenging after those snatches! DO NOT GET SLOPPY on the double dumbell snatches. Make sure your butt is down, chest is up and back is flat before you pull from the ground on every rep. Lower with control. Switch to 18 single arm alternating DB snatches if you need to. Choose a pull up variation you can complete all 15 reps in 2-3 sets the whole way.
200M RUN
You’re working with a minute or less. Shorten the distance as needed to fit the time window.
Start with a wide stance, both dumbbells between the feet. Bend the knees slightly and hinge at the hips to grip the dumbbells. Keep the chest up, shoulders back, back flat, arms long and straight. Drive your heels into the floor, leading with the chest to stand up fast. Keep the back flat. Once past the knees you will almost jump. Shrug the shoulders and allow the momentum to bring the dumbbells up as you guide them in a partial swing, without allowing them to get too far away from you. Punch your fists to the sky. Finish with a press to lockout with the biceps by the ears and the belly tight.
When lowering the dumbbells DO NOT GET SLOPPY! Keep the heels down and keep the back flat. Lower under control back to the ground.
Only one head of each dumbbell must touch the ground at the bottom of every rep.
Single Arm Alternating DB Snatches – Increase the reps to 18 (9 per arm)
Kettlebell Swings
You have the option of strict, kipping, butterfly pull ups, or choose one of the customizations below. Grip the bar a little wider than shoulder width. Fire up the lats by drawing the shoulders down away from the ears. Keep the belly tight. Make sure that you start all the way at the bottom and either get the chin over or pull the chest all the way up at the top! If you choose to use a band, stay in control and avoid the bounce out of the bottom.
TRX/Ring Row
Supine Row
Bent Over Row
Banded Pull Ups