
Warm Up

5 Minute Row/Bike

Then 2 Rounds:
-10 V-Ups
-10 Jumping Air Squats
-10 Good Mornings (with empty barbell)
-10 Deadlifts (with empty barbells)


4 Rounds
-Run/ OR Row 200 Meters
-10 Toes to Bar
-15 Deadlifts
-Run/ OR Row 200 Meters

Rest 1 Minute Between Rounds

Suggested Weight:
Men: 135-155#
Women: 85-105#

Score: Slowest Round ONLY

Goal: 3:00-4:30

You’re looking at most 2 minutes of running which leaves about 1:30-2:30 for the toes to bar and deadlifts. Choose a variation on the toes to bar you can complete 10 reps in 1-2 sets. They should take no more than 45 seconds. Choose a load on the deadlifts that you can complete 15 reps in 1-2 sets every time. Make sure that you are keeping your chest up and belly tight as you lower the bar to the floor on each rep.

200M RUN
You’re working with a minute or less. Shorten the distance as needed to fit the time window.

Start hanging from the bar with hands slightly wider than shoulders, shoulders drawn down away from your ears and arms straight. Think about pushing the bar out in front of you so your shoulders travel back behind the bar as you raise your toes up to touch bar between your hands. Make sure you keep that active shoulder position as you lower your feet back down and behind you.

Alternating V-Ups
Supine Toe Touches
Weighted Sit Ups
Regular Sit Ups

The bar will start on the ground. The feet are under the hips. Heels are down. Hips and knees are bent. Arms are straight. Chest is up. Belly tight. Back flat! Hands just outside the legs To lift, drive the heels into the ground and lift the chest. Keep the arms straight as you pull the bar in close to the body. Keep the arms long and straight. Keep the chest up and belly tight. Stand all of the way up at the top. Squeeze the butt. Don’t lean back.

To lower – reach the butt back and slide bar down the legs. Keep the knees out of the way. Keep the chest lifted and belly tight. Keep those heels down. Once past the knees you will re-bend the knees and bring the bar back to the starting position under control.

CUSTOMIZATION Lighter weight