Warm Up
5 Minute Row
Then 2 Rounds:
-10 Push Ups
-10 Scap Pull Ups
-5 Pull Ups
-10 Good Mornings (Empty Barbell)
-10 Deadlifts (Empty Barbell at shin level)
4 Rounds
-8 Barbell Deadlifts
-16 Pull Ups
-Run/ OR Row 400 Meters
Rest 1 Min Between Rounds
RX Men: 155-185# RX Women: 105-135#
Strict Pull Up Option:
-8-12 Strict Pull Ups Per Round
Goal: 3-4 Min
You’ve got about 1:00-2:00 to get through the deadlifts and pull ups. Choose a pull up variation you can complete the reps in 2-3 sets the whole way with short breaks. Choose a load on the deadlifts you can complete 8 reps unbroken for at least the first 2 rounds.
The bar will start on the ground. The feet are under the hips. Heels are down. Hips and knees are bent. Arms are straight. Chest is up. Belly tight. Back flat! Hands just outside the legs To lift drive the heels into the ground and lift the chest. Keep the arms straight as you pull the bar in close to the body. Keep the arms long and straight. Keep the chest up and belly tight. Stand all of the way up at the top. Squeeze the butt. Don’t lean back.
To lower – reach the butt back and slide bar down the legs. Keep the knees out of the way. Keep the chest lifted and belly tight. Keep those heels down. Once past the knees you will re-bend the knees and bring the bar back to the starting position under control.
You may do strict, kipping/butterfly or ring/trx row. You may also do a row with the bar in the rack OR do a bent over row if none of those other options are available. You may do banded pull ups but control the descent and be sure to avoid the bounce out of the bottom.
Whatever you choose make sure that you start all the way at the bottom and either get the chin over or pull the chest all the way up at the top!