Warm Up
5 Minute Row
Then 2 Rounds:
(With an empty barbell)
-10 Good Mornings
-10 Deadlifts
-10 Hang Power Cleans
-10 Strict Shoulder Presses
4 Rounds
-12 Barbell Deadlift
-10 Barbell Hang Power Clean
-8 Barbell Jerk
Run/ OR Row 400 Meters
-12 Barbell Deadlift
-10 Barbell Hang Power Clean
-8 Barbell Jerk
Rest 2 Min Between Rounds
RX Men: 95# RX Women: 65#
Score: Slowest Round ONLY
Goal: 3:30-4:30
The first and second set of barbell movements should each take about a minute. Choose a load that allows you to keep moving. The run should take about 2:00-2:30. Adjust the distance if you need to.
Set up with feet hip width apart, bar close to the shins. Push your hips back, bend the knees and hinge at the hips to grip the bar
with straight arms just outside the legs. Keep your heels down, chest up and back flat.
To lift, drive the heels into the ground and lead with the chest to stand. Keep the belly tight. Stand up all the way at the top. Squeeze the butt. Don’t lean back.
To lower – reach the butt back and slide the bar down the legs to the floor. It should travel in a vertical line. Keep the chest lifted and belly tight.
Deadlift the bar to start in the hang position. Push your butt back, bend the knees and slide the bar down to mid thigh. Keep the arms straight. Stand up hard and fast. Shrug the shoulders. Pull the elbows high and outside to keep the bar close as you pull yourself down under it.
Shoot the elbows around and through FAST to allow the bar to land on the shoulders with the elbows high in a partial front squat with the heels down, knees out, chest up. Stand to complete the rep.
Start in the front rack position – bar on shoulders, elbows high, belly tight, feet about hip width apart.
Keep the chest up, bend the knees slightly to dip the hip. Keep your heels down. Stand up hard and fast.
When the bar pops up off the shoulders, press your arms up and your body down so you land in a partial squat with arms locked out overhead. Stand up all the way to complete the rep.