Warm Up
5 Minute Row
1 Minute Jump Roping
Then 2 Rounds:
-8 Walking Lunges
-6 Push Press with empty barbell
-4 Burpees
12 Min AMRAP
(As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 12 Min)
-12 Alternating Back Rack Lunges
-12 Push Press
-24 Double Unders/ 48 Singles
RX Men: 75# RX Women: 55#
Score: Total Number of Completed Rounds + any Additional Reps
Goal: 7-10 Rounds
The goal here is about 1:10-1:40 per round. The lunges and push presses combined should take about a minute. Choose a load that you can perform the weighted movements in 1-2 sets each.
For the lunges, place the bar on your back SAFELY (absorb with the knees).
You may choose from forward stepping, reverse, or even walking lunges. Alternate legs so for the set of 12 – it’s 6 per side.
Step back and keep the front heel down. Don’t allow the knee to cave in. GENTLY touch the ground with the leg (knee) you stepped back with. Then drive off of the front foot heel to bring you back to standing. Switch legs for the next rep.
If lunges are an issue you can always do step ups.
Set up for the push press with the bar on your shoulders and elbows high. Feet hip to shoulder width apart. Chest up, belly tight. Keep your heels down, let your knees track forward as you dip your hip. Chest stays lifted. Stand up fast. As the bar pops up off the shoulders, press straight up to lock out.
Finish standing tall, arms straight, biceps by the ears. Squeeze your butt and keep your belly tight.