
Warm Up

Row 400 Meters


9-7-6 REPS:


-20 Alternating Back Rack Step Ups
-8 Lateral Over Bar Burpees
-18 Alternating Back Rack Step Ups
-8 Lateral Over Bar Burpees
-16 Alternating Back Rack Step Ups
-8 Lateral Over Bar Burpees…

Keep Lowering Step Up # by 2 Reps Each Round (1 per side) and keep the Burpees at 8 reps.

…Finish with
-2 Alternating Back Rack Step Ups
-8 Lateral Over Bar Burpees

RX Men: 75# RX Women: 55#

Score: Total Time
Goal: 12-17 Min

You will be roughly halfway through the workout when you complete the round of 16 back rack step ups. If those first 3 rounds take longer than 8 minutes, make some adjustments. This is a great rep scheme to practice that final push. When you get to the round of 10 step ups, put the pedal to the metal!

For the step ups you will have the barbell on your back. Height for step up should be 22-24″” for Men and 18-20″” for women. If you can make that happen and it is a safe and challenging but comfortable height for you – go for it! Otherwise, lower the height of the box or switch to lunges.

Place your WHOLE foot on the box when stepping up. Make sure you drive through the heel and stand all of the way up – don’t allow your knee to cave in as you stand. Alternate feet at the BOTTOM of each step. Each time you step up counts as 1 rep. So for the set of 20 you end up doing 10 per side.

Switch to lunges if that feels better.

For these burpees, start standing next to your barbell (not facing), bend your knees, hinge forward at the hips and plant your hands on the floor. Step or jump your feet back to a plank position. Lower knees, hips, and chest all the way down to the floor then press back up. Jump or step your feet in – then jump over the barbell. The rep is complete when you land on the other side