Warm Up
3 Minutes Jump Rope
3 Rounds with empty barbell:
-5 hang power cleans
-5 front squat
-5 push press
12 Min AMRAP (As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 12 Min)
-8 Hang Clean and Jerks
-24 Double Unders / 48 Single Unders
RX Men: 75-95# RX Women: 55-65#
Goal: 8-11 Rounds
The goal is to maintain a pace of about 1:00-1:30 per round. A lot of it will come down to double under proficiency but make sure you choose a load that you can complete the 8 hang clean & jerks in around :30-:45, or 1-2 sets the whole way.
For the hang clean and jerk you will first deadlift the bar to the waist. Your hands should be outside of the legs and the feet under the hips with the heels down. Arms are long and straight. You will dip by hinging at the hip slightly and bending the knees. From here you will basically jump (stand up hard and fast) and SHRUG to make the bar weightless. Guide the bar UP the body by pulling the elbows high and outside. Pull YOURSELF down into a partial squat. Heels down, butt back, knees out, elbows high with the bar on the shoulders, belly tight.
From here you will do a jerk. If you are tired, or this starts to feel heavy, you can stand and reset. If you are feeling good – it’s more efficient to go straight into the jerk from the catch position of the clean. Stand up hard and fast to pop the bar off of the shoulders. Move the face out of the way. Punch the bar up as you press yourself back down underneath it. Land with the heels down, knees out. belly tight and the bar locked out over the middle of your body. Stand to complete. Lower back to the hips for the next rep.