Warm Up
Row 500 Meters
2 Rounds: with empty barbell (slow and controlled)
-15 Good Mornings
-10 Hang Power Cleans
-10 Strict Shoulder Press
WOD: For Time
-Row 400 Meters
-50 Deadlifts
-Row 400 Meters
-35 Hang Power Cleans
-Row 400 Meters
-20 Push Press
-Row 400 Meters
RX Men: 95#
RX Women: 65#
Goal: 12-17 Min
Choose a load you can complete the deadlifts in 2:00-3:30, the hang power cleans in 1:45-3:00, and the push presses in 1:00-2:30. Each movement is going to wear you down for the next one so take short breaks early on.