Warm Up
Crossover Symmetry Shoulder Activation
5 Minutes Rowing or Biking
Then-(with empty barbell) slow and controlled:
10- Deadlifts
8- Good Mornings
6- Strict Press
4- Hang Power Cleans
2- Burpees
WOD “Veintitres”
RX MEN: 40# DBs
Score: Total Time
Goal: 9-15 Min
Choose a load or movement variation that allows for roughly 3 minute rounds.
Make sure you breathe on those burpee deadlifts and take the time to set up in a good position before standing up with the dumbbells.
For a Dumbbell Burpee Deadlift you will have your hands on the dumbbells, with them on the floor roughly shoulder width apart.
Jump or step the feet back to a plank position and lower chest and hips to the ground then press back up.
Jump or step feet in so that they are EITHER in between or outside of the dumbbells. Make sure the heels are down, back is flat. Hands are still on dumbbells with straight arms and the chest lifted/knees bent. Lift the chest, drive through the heels and stand up with the dumbbells.
Lower back to the ground with a flat back, tight belly, heels down, and bending the knees.
You can also do a single dumbbell version by doing the burpee beside the DB, then adjusting on the way up out of the burpee so that it is between your feet when you pick it up.
For the single DB Hang Power Snatches you will bring the dumbbell to the waist. Hinge forward slightly while keeping the chest up and belly tight. Keep the heels down and knees out – arm straight. Stand up hard and fast – shrug the shoulder – punch the working elbow out to the side to keep the dumbbell close to the body as it travels UP! From here you will either punch to lockout or punch to lockout WHILE punching yourself UNDER slightly. Get the bicep by the ear and stand completely with it still there to complete the rep!
Lower back to the waist and switch hands. You will alternate hands with each rep for these so you end up doing 15 per arm per round.