
Warm Up

3 Rounds:
-10 Scapular Pull Ups
-5 Strict Pull Ups
-10 Jumping Air Squats
-20 Second squat hold (in the bottom)


Metcon (See Strength Below!)
-Run/ Row 600m


4 Rounds
-30 Air Squats
-15 Pull Ups


-Run/ Row 600m

Score: Total Time

Goal: 13-18 Min

You only run OR row twice, once at the beginning and once at the end. Sandwiched between those two runs are the 4 rounds of squats and pull ups. Those 4 rounds should take 7-12 minutes, or 1:45-3:00 per round.

Squats should take 1:00-1:30.

Choose a pull up variation you can complete in 1-3 sets each time. Shoot for a minute or less.

For the pull ups you may do strict, kipping/butterfly or ring/trx row. You may also do a row with the bar in the rack OR do a bent over row if none of those other options are available. You may do banded pull ups but control the descent and be sure to avoid the bounce out of the bottom.

Whatever you choose make sure that you start all the way at the bottom and either get the chin over or pull the chest all the way up at the top!

Deadlift- 4×12
4 sets of 12 reps. Work up to your working weight for your 12 reps. Be smart! Engage those lats, pulling your shoulders back. Keep your chest up, and your neck inline with your spine gazing at the floor in front of you. Protect your back, but use this time to strengthen it!!