Warm Up
5 Minute Row
3 Rounds: With empty barbell
-10 Good Mornings
-10 Deadlifts
-10 Hang Power Cleans 10 Front Squats
Move slow and controlled to get a good warm up. Rest as needed between rounds.
15 Rounds of:
-5 Deadlifts
-3 Squat Cleans
Rest 30 Seconds Between Rounds
The idea here is to challenge yourself with the weight you choose
Goal: Challenge Yourself – don’t choose something where rounds are longer than about 30-40 seconds max
If you are NEW to these movements – use this as technique practice and don’t get crazy.
Potential Weight Recommendations:
Men: 115-185#+
Women: 75-135#+
The weight you choose for this is going to be VERY individual.
It is a lot of reps, so I would say start lighter than you think. If at 10 rounds in you feel like you want to go up – then go for it.
If you are new to these movements you have a few choices. You can keep the weight super light and just focus on form. That would be great.
OR – you can do the 5 deadlifts and maybe only 1 clean. Or 5 deadlifts and 1 power clean + 3 front squats.
All of those would be great options.
If your form starts to break down on any of it though, lower the weight. No prizes to be won, just trying to get a great workout!
For the deadlifts – the goal would be to do all 5 unbroken. Keep the back flat, chest up and belly tight. Drive your heels down into the floor to stand. Keep it tight as you lower too!
After the deadlifts you may drop the bar and take a second. Cleans can be in singles if necessary – but make sure you are getting a solid 45 seconds of rest at least each time after the cleans – before the next round.
For the cleans, they will all be taken from the ground and caught in a full squat. Make sure the bar is landing on the shoulders with the chest and elbows up. Drive the knees out and the heels down!
The bar should stay close to the body as you stand up hard and fast. Elbows don’t bend until you’re standing up all the way. Spin the elbows around the bar fast to catch it on the shoulders.
Lastly – warm up WELL for this workout with lighter weights and warming up the low back with some good mornings either with the bar or a band, and loosen the hips!