
Warm Up

Row OR Bike 5 Minutes

-10 Deadlifts
-10 Strict Shoulder Press
-10 Hang Cleans
-10 Jerks

Load some weight on the barbell and work up to your Power Snatch and Clean and Jerk weight for the WOD.


-30 Power Snatch (Ground to Overhead)
-Run/ OR Row 800 Meters
-30 Clean and Jerks

*Can also do this version with Sandbag Ground to Overhead and Sandbag Clean & Jerks!

Suggested Weight Men: 95# Women: 65#

Score: Total Time

Goal: 10-15 Minutes

You’re shooting for the Snatches and the Clean & Jerks to take 3-5 minutes EACH (6-10 minutes total). Choose a weight that you know will allow you to stay within that 5-minute window. Break up the reps however you need to to maintain proper form – and again – to stay within the goal time. The run section should take between 3:30-5:00 so shorten the distance if you need to!

The bar will start on the ground. Heels are roughly shoulder hip width apart. Grip is wide and arms are long and straight. Hinge forward at the hip and bend the knees slightly. Chest up and higher than hips. Back flat.

Drive through the heels and lift the chest. Keep the arms straight as you stand. Pull the bar into the body. Rotate the torso upright once past the knees Stand up hard and fast. SHRUG the shoulders. Keep the bar close! Pull the elbows high and outside as the bar travels up the body. Rotate the bar and press out overhead FAST! At the same time pull yourself under slightly by reaching the butt back and bending the knees. Keep the heels down, chest up, belly tight, and knees out! Think PUNCH to lock out! Belly tight. Butt squeezed! Bar over the middle of the body. Stand fully to complete the rep.

-Go lighter
-Hang Power Snatch

800M RUN
You’re working with 4:00-5:00. Shorten the distance as needed to fit the time window. If unable to run due to space or weather purposes – see Coaches Notes for an alternative workout option!


The clean AND jerk together counts as 1 rep.

The Feet are under the hips with the heels down, hands outside of the legs and bar close to the body. Knees are bent and there is a hinge at the hips. Chest is lifted with a flat back and a tight belly. Lift the bar by digging the heels into the ground and lifting the chest. Once past the knee think about finishing UP hard and fast with the legs. Shrug the shoulders and then guide the bar UP the body – keeping it close – with the elbows going high and outside as you pull yourself under slightly. Bring the elbows around and through fast so that the bar will land on your shoulders in a partial dip position with the heels down and chest up. From here you can stand and re-set or go straight into the jerk.

If you stand you will re-dip – if not you will go straight from that dip position – drive the bar off of the shoulders – move the face back. Push the bar up as you push yourself down! Catch in a partial overhead squat with the heels down, knees out, chest up, and bar locked out over the middle of the body. Stand to finish!

-Lighter weight
-Hang Power Clean and Jerk