Warm Up
5 Minute Bike OR Row
-10 Scapular Pull Ups
-5 Strict Pull Ups
-10 Walking Lunges
-5 Back Squats (with empty barbell)
WOD 4 Rounds
-12 Pull Ups
-6 Barbell Atlas Lunge
-12 Pull Ups
Rest 1 Minute Between Rounds
**Strict Pull Up Option: 6-8 Strict Pull Ups
Suggested Weight Men: 95# Women: 65#
Score: TOTAL TIME (Including Rest)
Goal: 12-18 Minutes
You are looking at 3:30-4:30 rounds. Choose a pull up variation that allows you to complete the 12 reps in 1-3 sets on both ends of the Atlas lunges, in all 4 rounds. So make sure you can do at least 4 at a time with whatever variation you choose. You have the option to go a little heavier today on the Atlas lunges. Choose a weight that you think you can hold onto the bar for all 6 Atlas lunges each round. It’s better to take a little pause between each lunge and/or before the squat without putting the bar down than to put it down and have to pick it back up again! Make sure you are standing up all the way during each component of those Atlas lunge reps.
You have the option of strict, kipping, butterfly pull ups, or choose one of the customizations below. Grip the bar a little wider than shoulder width. Fire up the lats by drawing the shoulders down away from the ears. Keep the belly tight. Make sure that you start all the way at the bottom and either get the chin over or pull the chest all the way up at the top! If you choose to use a band, stay in control and avoid the bounce out of the bottom.
TRX/Ring Row
Inverted Row
Bent Over Row
Banded Pull Ups
One Atlas Lunge = Back Rack Lunge Left + Back Rack Lunge Right + Back Squat
Place the bar on your back SAFELY. Pull from the rack or power clean and push press the bar onto your back rack. Absorb with the knees.
You can do forward or reverse lunges. Alternate legs.
Step back and keep the front heel down. Don’t allow the knee to cave in. GENTLY touch the ground with the back knee. Then drive off of the front foot heel to bring you back to standing.
After both lunges, perform a back squat. Keep your belly tight and chest up. Send your butt back and down until the hips go below the knees. Drive through the heels to stand.
Go lighter
2 Alternating Step Ups + 1 Back Squat
Unweighted Lungester