
Warm Up

5 Minutes of Rowing/OR Bike


-10 Hang Cleans (with empty barbell)
-10 Strict Shoulder Press
-10 Front Squats

Running Warm Up:
-50’ High Knees
-50’ Karaoke (both directions)
-50’ Back Pedal
-50’ Soldier Kicks
-50’ High Skipping


4 Rounds
-Run 200 Meters
-6 Barbell ManMakers
-Run 200 Meters
-12 Devil Press/Plate Burpees Suggested Weight

Men: 75# Bar / 40# DBs or 45# Plate Women: 55# Bar / 25# DBs or 25# Plate

Score: Total Time

Goal: 16-24 Min

Be careful not to peacock this one, guys! Don’t rush through the weighted movements. Find a steady pace that you can hold onto for all 4 rounds. You’re shooting for each round to take 4-6 minutes!! Assuming each 200m run takes 1 minute or less, you’re working with 1-2 minutes for the Barbell Manmakers. Test out a few reps in the warm up and make sure you can get 1 rep done in 10-15 seconds. If not, customize it! You should have 1-2 minutes for the Devil Press/Plate Burpees, too, which is 1 rep every 5-8 seconds. Again, practice in the warm up and customize if needed!

200M RUN
You’re working with a minute or less. Shorten the distance as needed to fit the time window. If unable to run due to space or weather purposes – 1 min double/single unders, low step ups, Mtn Climbers or toe taps to a low target.

1 minute of: Double/Single Unders Low Step Ups
Mountain Climbers
Toe Taps to a Low Target

1 rep = Deadlift + Bent Over Row + Hang Squat Clean + Thruster
For the deadlift make sure the heels stay down and the bar stays close. Keep the chest up and belly tight. Start with a hinge at the hip and a bend in the knee with straight arms. Stand completely at the top. Then bring the bar back to below the knee but not all of the way to the ground. Keep the knees slightly bent and the chest up. Pull the bar to the chest with the elbows going back then lower back to below the knee. Stand.
Perform a hang squat clean by dipping forward slightly, reaching the butt back and bending the knees. Allow the bar to travel down the leg. Chest up, belly tight. Arms straight. Bar close. Stand fast and shrug. Pull the bar up your body as you pull yourself under. Shoot the elbows around and through quickly to catch on the shoulders with the elbows high in the bottom of a squat. Heels down, knees out, butt lower than knees, chest up, belly tight.
Stand up hard and fast. Pop the bar off of the shoulders. Keep belly tight and press to lockout!

Deadlift + Bent Over Row + Hang Power Clean + Thruster

This movement is BASICALLY a burpee with dumbbells in your hands. You do a push up with hands on the dumbbells, jump or step the feet in. Pick the dumbbells up from between the feet with heels down and arms straight (keep the back flat!!). Use the power from the legs and the hips to basically complete a combination KB Swing – clean and jerk – snatch.
The movement finishes with the elbows locked and biceps by the ears! Control the lower and keep the back flat as you set up for the next rep!

Single Arm Devil Press
Burpee Kettlebell Swing
Step Burpee
No Push Up Burpee
– OR –

Perform a burpee with your hands on a plate (touch your chest to the plate at the bottom). When you stand up from the burpee you bring the plate with you. Make sure you lift your chest, keep your back flat, and drive through your heels. Bring it to the chest. Step up onto the box. Stand all of the way up on your box/bench. Step off. Plate back to the ground – new burpee.

Regular Burpee