Warm Up
5 Minutes of Rowing/OR Bike
-10 Good Mornings (empty barbell)
-10 Strict Shoulder Press
-10 Hang Power Cleans
-10 Back Squats
-10 Thrusters
For Time:
-30 Shoulder Press
-15 Bear Complex Reps
-30 Push Up + Tap + Tap
-15 Bear Complex Reps
-30 Push Ups
-15 Bear Complex Reps
Barbell Bear Complex = Power Clean + Front Squat into a Thruster + Back Squat into a Thruster
Using a squat clean thruster instead of a power clean + thruster is also ok.
Suggested Weight Men: 75#
Suggested Weight Women: 55#
Score: Total Time
Goal: 12-18 Min
Holy shoulders!!! Choose a weight for the shoulder (strict) press that allows you to do at least 5-7 reps at a time. That goes for the push up + taps and push ups, as well. You should choose customizations for those that allow you to do 5-7 reps at a time, at least for the first 15-20 reps of the movement. For the bear complex, choose a weight that you COULD do 3-5 reps at a time with but know that it’s OK to do these in singles (do one rep then drop the bar before the next rep). Do your best to find a steady pace and continuously chip away at those bear complex reps.
Start with the bar on your shoulders, a full grip with elbows in front. Feet are hip to shoulder width apart. Squeeze your butt, your quads and your belly. Keep your chest up, ribcage down. Press the bar straight up. Pull your face out of the way to clear a path. Finish with arms locked out overhead, biceps by the ears.
To lower, move your face out of the way, keep your elbows in front of the bar and lower with control back to the shoulders.
Go lighter
For this complex, you have a few options:
– Squat Clean Thruster
– Back Rack Thruster
You can do:
– Power Clean
– Front Squat
– Push Press or Jerk – Back Squat
– Push Press or Jerk
OR some combination of the two.
Do not RUSH through these reps. Get set up well for the clean. Keep the back flat and focus on a great clean (either version).
If you are doing a thruster, make sure the barbell is on the shoulders, heels are down, knees are out. Feed the press with the drive from the legs.
When lowering onto the back – BE CAREFUL and absorb the catch with the knees! Then make sure you are reset before squatting.
Reach the butt back and down, keep the heels down and chest up. Feed the press with the leg drive for this thruster or push press/jerk too!
We want to see a rigid body position with shoulders above or beyond the wrists and hands just wider than shoulder width. Squeeze your butt, your thighs and your belly. No sagging hips or snaking.
Keep your elbows within 45 degrees to the body as you lower your chest and thighs to make contact with the floor. Stay engaged. Press back up to the the top until arms are totally straight. Then tap your left shoulder with your right hand and your right shoulder with your left hand.
1 Rep = Push Up + Tap Right + Tap Left
-Knee Push Up + Plank Shoulder Taps
-Elevated Push Up + Taps
We want to see a rigid body position with shoulders above or beyond the wrists and hands just wider than shoulder width. Squeeze your butt, your thighs and your belly. No sagging hips or snaking.
Keep your elbows within 45 degrees to the body as you lower your chest and thighs to make contact with the floor. Stay engaged. Press back up to the the top until arms are totally straight. Use one of the customizations below in order to maintain that strong plank position in your body throughout the movement.
-Knee Push Up
-Elevated Push Up