Warm Up
5 Minutes of Rowing
-10 jumping air squats
-10 Hang Cleans
-10 Strict Press
-10 Box Step Ups
WOD “Barbell Psyche”
Part 1:
(As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 8 Minutes)
-2 Hang Clean and Jerks
-2 Box Jumps
-4 Hang Clean and Jerks
-4 Box Jumps….
Keep adding 2 reps, going up the ladder…
Rest 4 Min Before Part 2
Part 2:
Complete Your SCORE from Part 1 as Fast as Possible
Suggested Weight Men: 75-95# Suggested Weight Women: 55-65#
Part 1 Goal: Finish the 10s – 14s
Part 2 Goal: 8 minutes or LESS!
For the first part, you’re working for as many rounds and reps as you can get in 8 minutes – like any other AMRAP. Then, in the second part, you’re going to take the score you got in PART 1 and do it again but FOR TIME. So if you got into the round of 12s and completed all 12 hang clean & jerks and 3 box jumps, your score is 10+15 for that part. Then you’re going to do 10+15 as fast as possible.
Choose a weight that you can go unbroken on the hang clean and jerks through at least the round of 6s. For the box jumps, choose a height that you feel comfortable jumping to and stepping or jumping down from.
Be careful not to peacock! Yes, it’s only 8 minutes but they go by very slowly with these two movements combined. Start steady in the first part and then push the pace in the second!
-Lower Height
-Jump Over Alternating Step Up