Warm Up
5 Minute Row/ or Bike
2 Rounds slow and controlled:
-30 second squat hold
-10 jumping air squats
-20 ab mat sit ups
-10 wall balls
-30 second squat hold
-30 Barbell Back Squats
-30 Toes to Bar
-30 Box Jumps
-20 Barbell Back Squats
-20 Toes to Bar
-20 Box Jumps
-10 Barbell Back Squats
-10 Toes to Bar
-10 Box Jumps
RX Men: 95-115#
RX Women: 65-75#
*Sub Option: Swap V-Ups for toes to bar
Score: Total Time
Goal: Under 16 Min. Set yourself up to be able to do at least 10 squats at a time the whole way through.