Warm Up
5-8 Minutes of Rowing/ OR Biking
3 Rounds:
-9 Walking Lunges
-6 V- Ups
-3 Hand Release Push Ups
This workout has 2 Parts but One Score
8 Rounds
-6 Devil Lunge
-8 Toes to Bar / OR Single Dumbbell Supine Toe Touch
After ALL 8 Rounds: Rest 1 Min Then
-50 Burpees
Score: TOTAL TIME Including REST
Devil Lunge – 1 Rep= DB Burpee + reverse lunge right leg + reverse lunge left leg
Goal: 16-22 Min
Give yourself 5 minutes for burpees. That leaves 1:20-2:00 per round. Choose a load you can devil lunge unbroken most if not all the way.
For the devil lunges, start standing with the dumbbells on the ground about shoulder width apart. Place your hands on the dumbbells. Jump or step your feet back. Get your chest and thighs to the ground. Press up to plank. Jump or step the feet either inside or outside the dumbbells. Lead with the chest to stand up all the way with a flat back.
Then, do a reverse lunge on each leg. Make sure you take a long enough step back so that the heel of your front foot is down when the back knee GENTLY touches the ground. Stand all of the way up between reps and alternate legs with each lunge.
So 1 rep = DB burpee + lunge right leg + lunge left leg.
You could do V-Ups, Knee-Ups, or regular sit-ups in place of toes to bar.