
Warm Up

3 Rounds
20 Seconds (running clock) for each movement:
-Jumping Jacks
Spider Man Lunge Stretch
-Push Ups
Arm Haulers
-Flutter Kicks
-Air Squats
Up Downs

*No rest between movements. Perform this list of movements for 3 rounds continually. 1 Round is one time through the list.
You should have broken a sweat by the end. This will be our standard warm up for awhile. If you feel you need to do more, then do more.


7 Rounds

-6 Burpee
-12 Barbell Front Squat
-6 Burpee
-35 Double Unders / OR 70 Single Unders


Men: 75-95# Women: 55-65#

Goal: 15 – 20 Minutes

Coaches Notes

Maintain a steady pace on the burpees throughout. This way you never have to stop to rest for each set of the 6 burpees. As soon as you stand up, reach your hands right back down for the next rep. These should take 30-40 seconds.

Choose a weight for your squats you can do unbroken when fresh. Secure the barbell in the front rack position so you can focus on hammering these out with strong legs. Take brief second at the top to regain a deep breath for each rep. Challenge yourself to hang on for all 5 rounds. We’re looking at 30-45 seconds for these.

If 35 double unders or single unders are a challenge to do unbroken, give yourself a goal of getting past the 20 rep mark before taking a quick breather to complete the rest. Jump from the balls of your feet, fully extending your knees and hips while keeping your shoulders back and down. The rotation of the rope/handles should happen from your wrist and not your arms or shoulders. Give yourself 45-60 seconds here.