Warm Up

3 Rounds
20 Seconds (running clock) for each movement:
-Jumping Jacks
Spider Man Lunge Stretch
-Push Ups
Arm Haulers
-Flutter Kicks
-Air Squats
Up Downs

*No rest between movements. Perform this list of movements for 3 rounds continually. 1 Round is one time through the list.
You should have broken a sweat by the end. This will be our standard warm up for awhile. If you feel you need to do more, then do more.


3 Sets

Each Set is a 5 Min AMRAP
(As Many Rounds and Reps As Possible in 5 Minutes)

-5 Kipping Pull Up
-7 Barbell Deadlift
-9 Box Jump

Rest 1 Minute Between Sets

Strict Pull Up Option: 2-3 reps

Men: 95-135# Women: 65-85# Goal: 4-6 Rounds

Coaches Notes

For this workout, we are looking at 15 Minutes of total work time. Each of the 3 Sets is 5 minutes, and you will rest 1 Minute between each set. During the 5 Minutes of work, you will complete as many rounds as possible of the 3 movements.

5 Kipping Pull Ups should take 20 seconds or less. Exaggerate a big kip to generate lots of upward momentum to help you get an effortless pull and your chin over the bar. Customize as you need to so this can be completed unbroken.

7 Deadlifts can be done unbroken and in about 30 seconds or less. Keep your shoulders pulled back and down, as you lift the barbell and squeeze your hips through hard as you stand all the way up. Take a deep breath at the top, resetting your shoulders and core and continue.

Your Box Jump speed might be at a moderate speed, and that’s totally fine. If you’re a ninja with box jumps, go faster. But we recommend that you maintain a speed that smoothly transitions you from the top of the jump to

stepping down. We’re looking at another 30 seconds here at most. You can always customize your height to accommodate this.

Your goal is to complete a round every 50 seconds to 1:15. Keep a running tally going with your total rounds and reps throughout all 3 Sets.



Warm Up

3 Rounds
20 Seconds (running clock) for each movement:
-Jumping Jacks
Spider Man Lunge Stretch
-Push Ups
Arm Haulers
-Flutter Kicks
-Air Squats
Up Downs

*No rest between movements. Perform this list of movements for 3 rounds continually. 1 Round is one time through the list.
You should have broken a sweat by the end. This will be our standard warm up for awhile. If you feel you need to do more, then do more.


3 Rounds

25 Barbell Hang Power Clean
35 Barbell Front Squat

Rest 3 Minutes Between Rounds

Men: 75-95# Women: 55-65# Goal: 2:15-4:00

Coaches Notes

This one is a great challenge for building the confidence of tackling larger sets of reps with having ample rest time between each work set.

For the Hang Power Clean, use the dip position to load your legs and aggressively extend your hips to receive the barbell in a strong front rack position. Stand all the way up before lowering your bar back down. If you feel strong with this movement, you can go for an unbroken set. Otherwise, we encourage you to break these up. For example, you could complete them in 2 sets of 15 and 10 reps. Give yourself 1:00-1:30 to complete them all.

On the Front Squat, place your bar in an ideal front rack position to keep your arms relaxed and let your legs do all the work. If you need to break these up, again try to get more than half the reps before setting the bar down for a quick shake out of the legs. Get right back to work since you have a longer break coming up. Aim to get them all done in under 2:30.



Warm Up

3 Rounds
20 Seconds (running clock) for each movement:
-Jumping Jacks
Spider Man Lunge Stretch
-Push Ups
Arm Haulers
-Flutter Kicks
-Air Squats
Up Downs

*No rest between movements. Perform this list of movements for 3 rounds continually. 1 Round is one time through the list.
You should have broken a sweat by the end. This will be our standard warm up for awhile. If you feel you need to do more, then do more.


5 Rounds

-20 Barbell Back Squat
-15 Toes to Bar
-OR- 15 V-Up

Rest 1 Minute Between Rounds


Men: 95-115# Women: 65-75#

Goal: 1:30-3:00

Coaches Notes

Each round in today’s workout should be a hard-pace effort.

The squats should be unbroken today for every single round. Make sure you choose a weight that allows for that. It doesn’t need to be easy – it’s OK if you have to fight for those last few reps – but if you’re taking 1-2 breaks each set, it’s too heavy.

The toes to bar are more likely where you’re going to fall off. While we want you guys pushing yourself, we also don’t want you dropping down to doing 1-2 reps at a time. So pick a set-rep scheme that will put you just outside your comfort zone from the start, but allow you to always knock out 4-6 reps at time. So maybe you start with 8-7, then drop to 6-5-4 in the later rounds.



Warm Up

3 Rounds
20 Seconds (running clock) for each movement:
-Jumping Jacks
Spider Man Lunge Stretch
-Push Ups
Arm Haulers
-Flutter Kicks
-Air Squats
Up Downs

*No rest between movements. Perform this list of movements for 3 rounds continually. 1 Round is one time through the list.
You should have broken a sweat by the end. This will be our standard warm up for awhile. If you feel you need to do more, then do more.


Min 0-6

600 Meter Run/ OR 800 Meter Row
With remaining time, Max Reps Burpee

Min 6-12

600 Meter Run/ OR 800 Meter Row
With remaining time, Max Reps Box Jump

Min 12-18

600 Meter Run/OR 800 Meter Row
With remaining time, Max Reps Burpee Box Jump


Men: 20-24″ Box
Women: 16-20″ Box
Score: Burpee Reps
Score: Box Jump Reps
Score: Burpee Box Jump Reps

Goal: Burpees: 30-60, Box Jumps: 35-60*, Burpee Box Jumps: 20-45

*If you think you’ll do 60+ reps, go with a higher box!

Coaches Notes

A different distance today of 600 Meters. You can do this by running your normal 400 Meters plus a 200 Meters. Aim to keep these done in the 3:00-4:00 window. This should leave with at least 2:00 to accumulate as many reps of the next movement. If you want to customize this workout to maximize your opportunity to accumulate reps, consider shortening the run to whatever distance you can complete in 3 minutes.

For Burpees, we’re looking for an average of 15-20 reps per minute of work that’s left remaining. This is an aggressive pace, but we encourage you to push the intensity here.

Next, the Box Jumps, find a pace that allows you to steadily move through at least 2-3 minutes of work at a rate of another 15-20 reps per minute you might have available.

And finally, for the Burpee Box Jumps, give it everything you’ve got! As soon as you stand up from your burpee, go right into the box jump. As you step down, get your hands to immediately reach for the floor again. Aim for 7-15 reps for each minute you might have available here.



Warm Up

3 Rounds
20 Seconds (running clock) for each movement:
-Jumping Jacks
Spider Man Lunge Stretch
-Push Ups
Arm Haulers
-Flutter Kicks
-Air Squats
Up Downs

*No rest between movements. Perform this list of movements for 3 rounds continually. 1 Round is one time through the list.
You should have broken a sweat by the end. This will be our standard warm up for awhile. If you feel you need to do more, then do more.


14 Min AMRAP

(As Many Rounds and Reps As Possible in 14 Minutes)

-12 Alternating Unweighted Lunge (6 each leg)
-8 Box Jump
-12 Kettlebell Overhead Swing


Men: 20-24″ Box | 45-55# KB/DB Women: 16-20″ Box | 25-35# KB/DB

Goal: 8-11 Rounds

Coaches Notes

In order to hit the goal rounds, you’ll need to complete a round every 1:15-1:45. That should be doable, just don’t go out the gates too hot!!

It’s easy to underestimate unweighted lunges but over 14 minutes, they’re sure to get spicy – and make all the other work even more challenging. Focus on keeping your forward shin vertical and drive out of both your front heel and back toes every rep.

Focus on that first box jump rep every round!! Your legs will be super tired so make sure you’re ready to clear the edge. Drop to a lower height if you’re worried you’re gonna eat it.

Go with a kettlebell weight that you can do unbroken. You might end up choosing to break once, but that shouldn’t be till the last few rounds.



Warm Up

3 Rounds
20 Seconds (running clock) for each movement:
-Jumping Jacks
Spider Man Lunge Stretch
-Push Ups
Arm Haulers
-Flutter Kicks
-Air Squats
Up Downs

*No rest between movements. Perform this list of movements for 3 rounds continually. 1 Round is one time through the list.
You should have broken a sweat by the end. This will be our standard warm up for awhile. If you feel you need to do more, then do more.


2 Rounds

-15 Barbell Hang Squat Clean
-400 Meter Run

Rest 1 Minute

30 Barbell Front Squat

400 Meter Run

Rest 3 Minutes Between Rounds


Men: 75-95# Women: 55-65#

Goal: 7-10 Minutes (Includes 1 Min Rest Between Sections)

Coaches Notes

You will complete 15 Hang Squat Cleans, run 400 Meters, and rest 1 minute. Then 30 Front Squats, and another 400 Meter Run. That’s one round. You will then rest 3 minutes before completing one more round of that exact sequence.

We encourage you to challenge yourself with heavier weights today. For the Hang Squat Cleans, choose a weight that when fresh you could confidently complete 8 reps unbroken, which might turn into sets of 5 reps during Round 2. The Hang Position requires a fast and powerful hip to get the bar moving upwards as you quickly transition under to receive it in the front rack position at the bottom of your squat. To complete each rep, stand all the way up before lowering the bar back down to the hang position to set up the next one. Aim to be done in 1-2 minutes.

During the Front Squats, lock into a solid front rack position and focus on your legs to power through at least 10 reps at a time. If you need a quick shake out, dump the bar for a few seconds of deep breathing before getting back to it. You should be done with those 30 reps in 1:15-2:00.

Let the first 400 Meter run set the pace for each run to follow. Customize an appropriate distance to stay within 2:00-2:30.



Warm Up

3 Rounds
20 Seconds (running clock) for each movement:
-Jumping Jacks
Spider Man Lunge Stretch
-Push Ups
Arm Haulers
-Flutter Kicks
-Air Squats
Up Downs

*No rest between movements. Perform this list of movements for 3 rounds continually. 1 Round is one time through the list.
You should have broken a sweat by the end. This will be our standard warm up for awhile. If you feel you need to do more, then do more.


4 Rounds

-100 Meter Dumbbell Shoulder Rack Carry
-25 Push Up + Pull Across
-50 Double Unders / OR 100 Single Unders

You could also do this version with (95#/65#) barbell

-100 Meter Barbell Front Rack Carry


Men: 40-50# DB(s) Women: 25-35# DB(s)

Goal: 18-24 Minutes

Coaches Notes

Your shoulders are in for a real treat with this one!

We’re looking for that 100 meter carry to take 0:55-1:15. You should be able to do the carry without resting, but it may be a good idea to take a quick break at the halfway point in an effort to save your shoulders.

The push up + pull across are for sure the make-or-break movement in this workout. Be smart. Break them up early, even if you have decent push up stamina. If you struggle with push ups, today is not the day to do them from the toes. You can drop to your knees and keep the plank pull across, or go with elevated push up + taps.

Because of the heavy shoulder fatigue, going with the double unders would be a bit of an added challenge in this workout. If you want to save your shoulders for a better effort with push ups, go with single unders!



Warm Up

3 Rounds
20 Seconds (running clock) for each movement:
-Jumping Jacks
Spider Man Lunge Stretch
-Push Ups
Arm Haulers
-Flutter Kicks
-Air Squats
Up Downs

*No rest between movements. Perform this list of movements for 3 rounds continually. 1 Round is one time through the list.
You should have broken a sweat by the end. This will be our standard warm up for awhile. If you feel you need to do more, then do more.


20 Minute AMRAP

(As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 20 Minutes)

-4 Devil Press
-12 Wall Ball
-4 Devil Press
-12 Box Jump


Men: 40# DBs / 20# ish Ball / 20-24″ Box Women: 25# DBs / 13-15# Ball / 16-20″ Box

Goal: 6-10 Rounds

Coaches Notes

Hold a steady pace on the Devil Press that does not leave you taxed as your goal will be to maintain this for the entirety of the workout. Sit your hips low to recruit power from your legs, finishing with a strong press overhead while holding tension throughout your core. Load your legs again as you return the weights to the floor. Give yourself 30 seconds or less to get these done.

Each time you approach the Wall Ball, take a deep breath and aim to get these done unbroken in about 30 seconds. You can customize the height of your target, or the weight of your ball to accomplish this. Keep the ball close to your chest with an upright torso, as this will help your legs to generate the most power in getting the ball to hit your target.

Keep yourself moving with little to no rest between each rep of the Box Jump. Make the height customization as needed to get the most out of each powerful jump. Stepping down works great, and this can be done in 45 seconds or less.

One round every 2:00 or 3:20 will keep you within today’s number of Goal rounds.



Warm Up

3 Rounds
20 Seconds (running clock) for each movement:
-Jumping Jacks
Spider Man Lunge Stretch
-Push Ups
Arm Haulers
-Flutter Kicks
-Air Squats
Up Downs

*No rest between movements. Perform this list of movements for 3 rounds continually. 1 Round is one time through the list.
You should have broken a sweat by the end. This will be our standard warm up for awhile. If you feel you need to do more, then do more.


Every 2 Minutes for 16 Minutes

Min 0:00-1:00
-20 Double Unders / OR 40 Singles
-12 Barbell Bent Over Row

Min 1:00-2:00

-20 Double Unders / OR 40 Singles
-10 Barbell Shoulder Press


Men: 95-115# Women: 55-65#

Goal: Challenging Reps with Solid Movement Coaches Notes

You have the option of using two different weights today, if one movement is going to greatly limit the other. You also have the option of using dumbbells for one of the movements today!

In the starting minute, you will complete both 20 Double Unders/ Singles and 12 Rows, and you should be left with at least 10 seconds to rest before the start of the next minute. Keep your back as parallel to the floor as possible so that you are pulling from your lats, and to prevent this from turning into a shrug/high pull.

During the next minute, you start with the 20 Double Unders/ Singles, and now you are doing 10 presses. These don’t necessarily be done unbroken, but if you find yourself having to do sets of 2-3 at a time, customize to a lower weight. Again, we’re looking for at least 10 seconds of rest.

You’ll repeat this format for a total of 8 rounds or 16 minutes of work.



Warm Up

3 Rounds
20 Seconds (running clock) for each movement:
-Jumping Jacks
Spider Man Lunge Stretch
-Push Ups
Arm Haulers
-Flutter Kicks
-Air Squats
Up Downs

*No rest between movements. Perform this list of movements for 3 rounds continually. 1 Round is one time through the list.
You should have broken a sweat by the end. This will be our standard warm up for awhile. If you feel you need to do more, then do more.


2 Rounds

-20 Bar Facing Burpee
-50 Barbell Back Rack Lunge
-20 Bar Facing Burpee

Rest 3 Minutes Between Rounds


Men: 75-95# Women: 55-65#

Goal: 4:00-6:30

Coaches Notes

For this workout, your score will be the times for each round. Your second attempt will be more taxing as fatigue naturally sets in, but push yourself to stay within a minute or so of your first round’s time.

Start your first set of Burpees with a consistent yet urgent pace. The speed at which you move for your first 10 should be maintained for the second half to complete them all in 1:15-2:00 for each set. Push to go faster on the second set of 20 reps.

On the Lunges, make sure the bar is resting in a high position on your back. This will help you to keep more of an upright torso during each rep so you can focus on your legs to do the heavy lifting. If you do need to break, you can rest at the top or safely dump/re-rack the bar to shake out your legs and catch your breath. The rest should be very quick to allow for a quick shakeout before you get back to it so you can be done in 2:00 or less.