Warm Up

3 Rounds
20 Seconds (running clock) for each movement:
-Jumping Jacks
Spider Man Lunge Stretch
-Push Ups
Arm Haulers
-Flutter Kicks
-Air Squats
Up Downs

*No rest between movements. Perform this list of movements for 3 rounds continually. 1 Round is one time through the list.
You should have broken a sweat by the end. This will be our standard warm up for awhile. If you feel you need to do more, then do more.


Every 4 Minutes for 16 Minutes

-8 Barbell Shoulder Press
-20 Burpee
-14 Kipping Pull Up

Strict Pull Up Option: 7-10 Reps Per Round

You can also do this version with:

8 Sandbag Shoulder Press


Men: 75-95# Women: 45-65#

Goal: 2:00-3:15

Coaches Notes

Let’s be honest, this is a burpee workout with some pressing and pulling mixed in. Those 20 reps shouldn’t take more than 2 minutes in any of these rounds. If they are, you need to customize to allow for a quicker pace.

Choose a weight for the presses that allows you to knock out these reps in 1-2 sets. Maybe you break these up into 5 and 3 to save your shoulders a little for the burpees.

Pull ups should be done in sets of 5-7 reps at a time. If you’re doing fewer than that, just make sure you’re getting at least 45 seconds of rest before the next 4-min window starts. If you don’t have a pull up bar – you can swap those out for 14 Barbell Bent Over Rows or 20 Alternating Dumbbell Plank Rows!



Warm Up

3 Rounds
20 Seconds (running clock) for each movement:
-Jumping Jacks
Spider Man Lunge Stretch
-Push Ups
Arm Haulers
-Flutter Kicks
-Air Squats
Up Downs

*No rest between movements. Perform this list of movements for 3 rounds continually. 1 Round is one time through the list.
You should have broken a sweat by the end. This will be our standard warm up for awhile. If you feel you need to do more, then do more.


4 Sets Each Set is:

-200 Meter Run

Then, 3 Rounds

-4 Barbell Power Clean
-12 Air Squat

Then (After 3 Rounds)

-200 Meter Run

Rest 1 Minute Between Sets


Men: 95# Women: 65#

Goal: 3:00-5:00

Coaches Notes

One set of this workout is: Run, 3 rounds, Run. Rest 1 minute and repeat for 4 total sets.

Keep the runs fast and aim to be done in 1:00 or less. Customize your distances to keep the intensity high.

For the power cleans, sit your hips low to load them up with tension, then quickly jump to guide the barbell to your front rack position. Use a weight that allows you to do all 4 reps unbroken in under 30 seconds.

The squats should be done unbroken and fast while hitting full range of motion. Make sure to hit your depth and stand all the way up for every rep. 12 reps can take 20-30 seconds.



Warm Up

3 Rounds
20 Seconds (running clock) for each movement:
-Jumping Jacks
Spider Man Lunge Stretch
-Push Ups
Arm Haulers
-Flutter Kicks
-Air Squats
Up Downs

*No rest between movements. Perform this list of movements for 3 rounds continually. 1 Round is one time through the list.
You should have broken a sweat by the end. This will be our standard warm up for awhile. If you feel you need to do more, then do more.


10 Minute AMRAP

(As Many Rounds and Reps As Possible in 10 Minutes)

1 ROUND = 15 Unbroken Barbell Thruster

Between Each Round Complete:

-5 Devil Press


Men: 65-75# | 40# DBs Women: 45-55# | 25# DBs

Goal: 4-6 Rounds

Coaches Notes

The main focus for this workout is on going UNBROKEN for the thrusters. You should think of the Devil Press as an annoying “buy-out” for each round (but you do get credit for them – so don’t skip em if that’s where you are at the end of 10 minutes!)

You should choose a weight that you COULD do for 20 reps unbroken when fresh. That way you have some wiggle room as you’re a few rounds deep. If you want to go heavier today, the thrusters are the place to do it. We do not recommend going heavier on the Devil press.

Go smooth and steady on the Devil Press. No need to rush those. Take a few moments to collect yourself before starting another set of thrusters because once the bar is at your shoulders – you’re in for 15 reps! If you break, you have to start that set over!!

Breaking = Lowering the bar from your shoulders. You can “rest” overhead or at your shoulders, just don’t get carried away.



Warm Up

3 Rounds
20 Seconds (running clock) for each movement:
-Jumping Jacks
Spider Man Lunge Stretch
-Push Ups
Arm Haulers
-Flutter Kicks
-Air Squats
Up Downs

*No rest between movements. Perform this list of movements for 3 rounds continually. 1 Round is one time through the list.
You should have broken a sweat by the end. This will be our standard warm up for awhile. If you feel you need to do more, then do more.


-50 Alternating Dumbbell Step Up Over
-400 Meter Run

Rest 2 Minutes

-50 Kipping/ OR Strict Pull Up
-400 Meter Run

Rest 2 Minutes

-50 Alternating Dumbbell Step Up Over
-400 Meter Run

**Strict Pull Up Option: 25-30 Reps

**This version could also be done with:

Sandbag Shoulder Step Up Over


Coaches Notes

For each set of the dumbbell step up overs, you need to choose a height for the box/step and weights that you are certain you can move through quickly and for sets of 20-30 reps at a time. You should be wrapping up 50 reps in 2-3 minutes, which is booking it. For the pull ups, you should be able to do 7-10 reps at a time of whatever variation you choose. If you’re doing fewer than 7, you might be able to still hit the goal but you need to keep your breaks super short. It’d probably be a better idea to customize to a variation that allows for bigger sets, like banded pull ups or inverted rows.

For each 400m run, it should be a HARD effort. Doesn’t necessarily need to be an all-out sprint, but you should be pushing the pace from start to finish. If you need to, reduce the distance of the run to something you can finish in 2 minutes or less.



Warm Up

3 Rounds
20 Seconds (running clock) for each movement:
-Jumping Jacks
Spider Man Lunge Stretch
-Push Ups
Arm Haulers
-Flutter Kicks
-Air Squats
Up Downs

*No rest between movements. Perform this list of movements for 3 rounds continually. 1 Round is one time through the list.
You should have broken a sweat by the end. This will be our standard warm up for awhile. If you feel you need to do more, then do more.



1 Round

-25 Kipping Pull Up
-50 Push Up
-100 Air Squat
Strict Pull Up Option: 15 per round


PULL UP: Inverted rows, banded pull ups, feet on ground pull ups, dumbbell bent over rows

PUSH UP: Knee or elevated push ups Score: Total Time

Score to Pass Level 1:

Under 11 Minutes

Coaches Notes

If you are using a customization for pull ups and/or push ups on this one – make sure you choose something that is challenging! Remember – the goal of the diagnostics isn’t to pass by whatever means necessary, but to really test your fitness level in the various diagnostic workouts.

On this one, we will all have one movement that gives us the most trouble. This is your opportunity to find out what that is! Consider the squats will take you anywhere from 3-5 minutes, which means you will have somewhere between 6-8 minutes for the pull ups and push ups.

Since this is a test – you may even choose to start out with one version of the movement and stick with it as long as possible. You might just surprise yourself and make it the whole way through. Take good notes in the comments when you log, so you remember next time how you attacked this one.

Focus on great range of motion for all of the movements. Touch the chest and lock out completely on the push ups. Get the hips below the knee (use a target if you need to) and stand all of the way up on your squats!

Pro Tip: Break the push ups early and often. Keep the breaks SHORT. Don’t go to failure!



Warm Up

3 Rounds
20 Seconds (running clock) for each movement:
-Jumping Jacks
Spider Man Lunge Stretch
-Push Ups
Arm Haulers
-Flutter Kicks
-Air Squats
Up Downs

*No rest between movements. Perform this list of movements for 3 rounds continually. 1 Round is one time through the list.
You should have broken a sweat by the end. This will be our standard warm up for awhile. If you feel you need to do more, then do more.


16 Minute AMRAP

(As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 16 Minutes)

-8 (R) Single Arm Dumbbell Power Snatch (Ground to Overhead)
-8 (R) Single Arm Dumbbell Shoulder Rack Step Up
-8 (L) Single Arm Dumbbell Power Snatch (Ground to Overhead)
-8 (L) Single Arm Dumbbell Shoulder Rack Step Up
-12 Box Jump


Men: 40# DB / 20-24″ Box Women: 25# DB / 16-20″ Box

Goal: 7-9 Rounds

Coaches Notes

Note that the step ups are alternating legs with the dumbbell at one shoulder. For example, with the dumbbell resting on your right shoulder, step up with the left leg and step back down is 1 rep. Keeping the dumbbell on your right shoulder, now step up with the right leg, step back down and now you’ve completed 2 reps. Complete 8 total reps this way for each shoulder-racked side.

When setting up the dumbbell snatch, sit with your hips a little lower to recruit more power from the legs. Keep your arm straight for as long as possible as you begin to extend into a jump position. Once you sent the power of your hips into the weight, follow through with a strong punch up with either straight legs or redipping into a shallow squat before standing all the way up. Control the weight back down and complete all 8 reps on one side at a time.

Quickly load and fire your hips for each box jump. Slightly bend your knees and hips to create power in your hips, then rapidly extend them upwards and pull your knees up to land in a partial squat on top of the box. For efficiency, avoid landing in a complete squat as this could tire out your legs more than necessary.

Keep your pace in the range of 1:45-2:15 per round.



Warm Up

3 Rounds
20 Seconds (running clock) for each movement:
-Jumping Jacks
Spider Man Lunge Stretch
-Push Ups
Arm Haulers
-Flutter Kicks
-Air Squats
Up Downs

*No rest between movements. Perform this list of movements for 3 rounds continually. 1 Round is one time through the list.
You should have broken a sweat by the end. This will be our standard warm up for awhile. If you feel you need to do more, then do more.


10 Rounds

-5 HEAVY Barbell Thruster
-7 Devil Press

* Devils Press- 1 Burpee with a DB in each hand, then swing DB’s over head like you would do a KB swing. = 1 Rep


Men: 115# | 40# DBs Women: 75# | 25# DBs

Goal: 12-20 Minutes

Coaches Notes

This is going to be a spicy one. We encourage you to give this everything you have – don’t hold back! In order to meet the goal for this workout you will want to keep each round within 1:10 – 2 minutes.

The thrusters in this workout are intended to be HEAVY! You should still get all 5 reps in 1-2 sets. Unbroken from the start but as you move through the workout consider 2 sets. Taking rest after you finish the devil’s press will be key – especially if you’re challenging yourself with weight. These should take :20-:40 seconds to complete.

The devil’s press has potential to be one of the harder movements in this workout. We encourage you to focus on 1 rep at a time, do your best to relax your breathing and work at a pace that is sustainable for you across all rounds. These should take :40 – 1:00.



Warm Up

3 Rounds
20 Seconds (running clock) for each movement:
-Jumping Jacks
Spider Man Lunge Stretch
-Push Ups
Arm Haulers
-Flutter Kicks
-Air Squats
Up Downs

*No rest between movements. Perform this list of movements for 3 rounds continually. 1 Round is one time through the list.
You should have broken a sweat by the end. This will be our standard warm up for awhile. If you feel you need to do more, then do more.


Every 2 Minutes for 14 Minutes

(7 Rounds)

200 Meter Run
In Remaining time, Max Reps Burpee Box Jump

No rest between rounds


Men: 20-24″ Box Women: 16-20″ Box

Score: Total Burpee Box Jump Reps

Goal: 35-70 Reps

Coaches Notes

Hit the runs fast so you can maximize your time to get as many burpee box jumps as possible, somewhere between 5-10 reps with the time remaining of 2 minutes for each round. Customize the movement accordingly to make this happen.

Keep the runs efficient by engaging your core, fully extending the hip for every stride and shoulders back and down. Make it back within 1:00 or customize your distance to accomplish this.

When you get back, get started on your burpee box jumps right away. Stand far enough away from your box so you can go straight down into your burpee and when you come up, your feet are set to jump on top of the box. Step down from the top in the same spot as where you jumped from to avoid shuffling your feet too much.



Warm Up

3 Rounds
20 Seconds (running clock) for each movement:
-Jumping Jacks
Spider Man Lunge Stretch
-Push Ups
Arm Haulers
-Flutter Kicks
-Air Squats
Up Downs

*No rest between movements. Perform this list of movements for 3 rounds continually. 1 Round is one time through the list.
You should have broken a sweat by the end. This will be our standard warm up for awhile. If you feel you need to do more, then do more.


4 Rounds

-25 Unbroken Wall Ball
-200 Meter Farmer Carry

*You could also do this version with:

-25 Unbroken Empty Barbell Thruster
-20 Unbroken Sandbag Thruster


Men: 20# ish WB | 40-55# DBs/KBs Women: 13-15# WB | 25-35# DBs/KBs

Score: Total Time

Goal: 12-17 Minutes

Coaches Notes

To meet the goal for this workout aim to get each round done within 3 – 4:15. The unbroken set of wall balls should take roughly :50 – 1 minute and you will then have the remainder of the time to get through your 200 meter farmers carry.

The wall balls are to be done in an UNBROKEN set of 25 reps EACH round. To count as being unbroken there should be continuous movement for the ENTIRE set. Anytime you stop moving by resting at the top of the squat, leaning against the wall, holding the bottom of your squat, letting the ball drop to the ground, etc. – the set is over and you have to start again. Choose a weight or customization that you are confident in for all 4 rounds. The last few reps will be challenging, especially as the rounds go on – do your best to hold on and push through each set!

For the farmer carry, choose a weight that you can get the entire 200 meters done within 2-4 sets. You should have to break but aim for no more than 4 breaks. Keep a steady and brisk walk to eliminate unneeded time under tension.



Warm Up

3 Rounds
20 Seconds (running clock) for each movement:
-Jumping Jacks
Spider Man Lunge Stretch
-Push Ups
Arm Haulers
-Flutter Kicks
-Air Squats
Up Downs

*No rest between movements. Perform this list of movements for 3 rounds continually. 1 Round is one time through the list.
You should have broken a sweat by the end. This will be our standard warm up for awhile. If you feel you need to do more, then do more.


Every 3 Minutes for 18 Minutes

(6 Rounds)

-100 Meter Run
-8 Devil Press
-100 Meter Run


Men: 40# DBs Women: 25# DBs

Goal: 1:30-2:15

Coaches Notes

This one is designed to keep the intensity and speed high. The runs should be a sprint and be done at around 30-40 seconds max.

For the devil press, maintain a steady pace that keeps you moving for all 8 reps in a row. Avoid excessive resting at the bottom or pausing after bringing the dumbbells back down to the floor. As soon as you lock your arms out overhead, bring them down and start moving your feet back right away for the next rep. Shoot for getting these done in 1 minute or less!