
Warm Up

3 Rounds
20 Seconds (running clock) for each movement:
-Jumping Jacks
Spider Man Lunge Stretch
-Push Ups
Arm Haulers
-Flutter Kicks
-Air Squats
Up Downs

*No rest between movements. Perform this list of movements for 3 rounds continually. 1 Round is one time through the list.
You should have broken a sweat by the end. This will be our standard warm up for awhile. If you feel you need to do more, then do more.


12 Minute EMOM (Every Minute on the Minute for 12 Minutes)
-Minute 1: 40 Second Plank Hold
-Minute 2: Max Reps Burpee + Lunges
*1 rep = 1 Burpee + Lunge R + Lunge L

Goal: 36-60 Reps

Coaches Notes
If you are unable to hold a plank for a full 40 seconds each time – do 20 seconds on/10 seconds off x 2 each time. You could even do 15 seconds on / 15 seconds off x 2 each time.

Make sure to keep the butt down and the shoulders, hips, knees and ankles in line.

On the burpee lunge + lunge it is one burpee and a lunge on both legs for EACH rep! Make sure that you stand up all of the way between lunges! If you are unable to do lunges you could do a burpee + step up right + step up left!